Carol Carter

17 September 2012

Elephant Ears watercolor

I had fun painting this watercolor--- thinking about the bright light that surrounded them.

I saw these beautiful plants in South Carolina-- while touring with my friend Renea.

They jumped out at me!

The sun was low in the sky.  The sunlight was striking the leaves in a special way! The leaves appeared to glow!  So lovely.

So... I titled the piece simply "Light".

15" h x 11" w


Nora MacPhail said...

Amazing light and wonderful title!

Carol Carter said...

Thank you Nora!!! I love your post!

Sergio DS said...

Really beautibul, thanks.

Meera Rao said...

Appropriate title - I love how you have captured the light and the colors! Beautiful painting !

Carol Carter said...

Thank you Sergio!

Thank you Meera... I love the title too... the painting sort of painted itself!

Thank you Ina.. nice to hear from you.

Thank you ALL!

SARABEL said...

!una acuarela preciosa y con mucha luz.........!

mi enhorabuena.......un saludo

Miranda said...

Your work is so lovely and that light is spectacular!Thanks for showing it, creative greet Miranda

Carol Carter said...

Thank you SARABEL!!! where are you from?

Thank you Miranda... it was fun, AND a challenge to paint the light.

Thank you both for your posts.

Catharina Engberg said...

I LOVE the light in this one! HOW did you manage to do this?! Gorgeous!

art by Catharina Engberg

SARABEL said...

hola CAROL soy de BILBAO, ESPAÑA....

Ya me he enganchado a tus flores.......un saludo

Carol Carter said...

Catharina... I don't know how I do it! but... if you take a workshop --- I will try to explain.

sarabel, nice to see that you are from SPAIN! hope to get there some day.

Carol Carter said...

Catharina... I don't know how I do it! but... if you take a workshop --- I will try to explain.

sarabel, nice to see that you are from SPAIN! hope to get there some day.

Carol Carter said...

Catharina... I don't know how I do it! but... if you take a workshop --- I will try to explain.

sarabel, nice to see that you are from SPAIN! hope to get there some day.