Today was the most enjoyable day -- perfect weather, perfect temperature, perfect landscape-- total sunshine. ARIZONA rocks!
the wind and the dust were blowing, but i thought it was a stunning day.
My friend Ruth Canada -- drove me to Tubac, AZ-- a local artists' community about 60 miles south of Tuscon. It was refreshing and wonderful to see all the galleries, art, and retail in this charming little town!
I saw so many great works of art.. so much art retail -- gathered a lot of new ideas and possibilities... for art, for art economy, for art marketing.
Tubac is located in the desert and totally devoted to selling art. There is a lot southwest art and imagery -- but overall, the quality was exceptional.
I was impressed!
Thank you Ruth, for a most magical day!

Oh, I am so jealous--it was wet and cold here! Sounds like heaven out there. I hope you'll share your insights!
What??? You are out and about traveling again??? Oh how I wish you had invited me!!! It snowed again this week here in "the great white North"!!! You deserve the break from all your hard work on the last piece - How Sweet the Sound is magnificent!
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