This watercolor has a few new techniques I've been trying out... in preparation for larger paintings.
I am plowing ahead and trying to tackle this project and have a showing of the series.
There are parts of this painting I really like.
22" h x 30" w
Your gator is suitably awesome-looking, and ... WOW ... you really handles blooms well!
Great painting--I love the big white shapes, and the variety of colors, and use of positive/negative on the gator. Cool composition too!
Thank you both!!!! The GATOR is part of the EVERGLADES ongoing series. I hope to flesh out the show real soon. Waiting for warmer weather -- so that my watercolor cooperates better! Thank you for your words.
Looking good, Carol - you are the queen of water blossoms and knowing how to master them to do your bidding! You'll have to do a day on just water blossoms in the upcoming workshop in Feb!!
i will definitely show you how to do waterblossoms in FEB Rhonda! Thank you for your comment!
thank you jasko!
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