27 July 2010

Cedarhurst Museum

The curator from the Cedarhurst Museum -- Rusty Freeman -- came to my studio today to see the Italian work.

He and I talked for 2 1/2 hours-- and had a great time discussing all sorts of topics.

I feel so grateful to be having this exhibition. It will open February 25, 2011
and run through mid-May.

I have painted over 45 paintings -- and am planning another 20.
Hopefully... ALL of you will come to the exhibition!

Italian Suite
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25 July 2010

Italy-- acrylics

Finishing up some final pieces before meeting with museum curator on Tuesday. There is the first big one -- that i wanted to make simple and direct.

It took most of the day to get it done- but I'm glad I'll have some large scale piece to show.

Can't wait to hear about the details for the show!

Italy 104
30" h x 40" w

Italy 99
10" h x 30" w

Italy 100
10" h x 30" w


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Digital Giclee

The client wanted a digital giclee of the watercolor of his dog. The painting was digitally reproduced on canvas... and then stretched. I think the presentation is sharp...and I hope he's pleased.

He suggested this format -- and I would have never come up with this combination!

Love it!

Will check out making other digital canvas transfers of work soon.

Stay tuned!

digital canvas transfer
12" h x 12" w
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These 3 acrylic paintings sold on Friday to a client. She has been a pillar of support for my Italy show from the beginning. Her enthusiasm has done a lot to help me finish the show.

The show will be seen at the CEDARHUST MUSEUM in the winter -- from FEBRUARY through MAY 2010. I think the opening is FEBRUARY 25, 2011.


10" h x 10" w
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24 July 2010

Happy Customer!

A wonderful client from NORTH CAROLINA came to my studio yesterday. He had heard about my work from an artist friend on FACEBOOK and purchased three of my paintings on line.

He then realized that he was coming to ST LOUIS for business-- and would my studio be open to view work.

We scheduled a time -- and he loved the work.

He purchased these three beautiful florals. I am working on the framing-- and then ship to his home for installation.

Thank you to all who made this possible!

Rain Tulips
watercolor on Twin Rockers paper
21" h x 21" w each panel 21" h x 70" w overall
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22 July 2010

New Italian landscapes

The new Tuscany landscapes are fresh off the brush. The paintings are darker and bolder in palette than the rest-- but I believe they will fill out the show well.

You can see the installation photo of three of them here.

Italy 101
10" h x 30" w

Italy 102
10" h x 30" w

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20 July 2010


I went for the challenge yesterday ... and finished two smaller acrylics I have been wrestling with over the last couple of weeks......

and.. finally... FINALLY... I can say that i like them! There was a preciousness to the previous images... that had to be "let go."

The overall paintings were too sweet and "right"... and I had to see beyond that.

What I did to mobilize and garner my thinking was to get out the rest of the show... and compare these paintings.

Yep.. they didn't fit. They were too cautious and illustrative.

So... I got out the palm-sander... and I began to destroy!!

The sander forced me to make changes.... because I wiped out safe-zones that were not working...and too resolved.

The following painting times...resulted in braver decisions...and brought conclusions that were more inspired!


I like what I have now.. and will let them stand with the rest of the collection.


Italy 99
20" h x 20" w

Italy 98
20" h x 20" w
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16 July 2010

Another Happy Customer!

This beautiful commission was completed the other day --- and my client dropped by to inspect and take delivery.

He was pleased... and the commission was a success!

11" h x 14" w
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15 July 2010

Happy Customer

A happy customer today!
I helped her pick out some framing for the small watercolors she purchased earlier in the week.

I hope she likes them in her home in FLORIDA!

She plans to frame them in an antique format.

Everglade Birds
11" h x 9 " w
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14 July 2010


Every now and again -- I take an older watercolor and rethink it.

I have a better perspective and freedom ... in making decisions that are bold.

This watercolor was "working" already -- but it needed something more.

So, I took the huge step of laying an overall glaze of Prussian Blue to subdue the focus.

This veil of blue added a bit more mystery and ambiance.

Now, I have to tweak some of the areas... along with smaller blue veils of targeted glaze.

I already like the painting much more.. and feel that reworking it has been a bonus-- both for learning something... AND.... a nicer, richer painting.

Bullet- Bad Girl
40" h x 30" w
currently being reworked
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12 July 2010


I am attempting to do a night scape dining scene from Florence Italy.... which is proving to be invigorating!

The background was easily addressed-- but i am currently focused on solving the foreground tree and chairs. it's interesting to give energy and motion to an inanimate object.

Fun to begin working with Italy images again on a accelerated scale!

Italy 92
20" h x 20" w
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11 July 2010

Italy Marches on....

Three in the works...

Here are thress recent acrylics on Italy.

The bicycles is largely complete...but still considering some foreground changes...

The traffic warning signs is almost done. But.. considering changing the color/value of one of the circle-signs.

The night scene cafe is preliminary. ...only a first day toil.

I am considering how to work the foreground tree and table/chairs. I think I've figured out how to approach it.

I really had a good time painting the background and making it abstracted with a bit of mystery....Now... to finish the rest ...without blowing it!

Italy 88
20" h x 20" w

Italy 89
12" h
x 12" w

Italy 99
20" h x 20" w
2010 unfinished

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08 July 2010


Here is a photo of me at Grand Isle, LA.... in June.

I had jumped the boom... and headed to shore.

The beach was a "hot zone" [named by BP] and being cleaned for tar. I found this tarball...and a few disconcerting dead fish.

The beach is very long ... and was totally closed and being cleaned. BP had large workforce assembled... several "sandbonis" and lots of equipment.

I can say that it felt like a militarized zone!

I was detained by BP and "decontaminated." They would not let me photograph this.


Govenor Jindal gave a press conference-- media and Blackhawk helicopters everywhere.
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06 July 2010

Teaching today!!

I had a small private workshop today.. with 3 great new artist-friends. we had a great time... focusing and learning. it was fun to see them start the work.. and begin implementing ideas.
looking forward to tomorrow!

Also started a small acrylic of Italy. Here is the very preliminary state.
Hopefully- there will be time in the morning to work on it!

Italy 89
10" h x 10" w
preliminary state
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02 July 2010

Italy! back to it....

well... you know... i thought i was done with the Italian Suite exhibition-- but... i have an opportunity to show it in a larger venue next winter.

the larger venue requires more work to fill the space.... so need to continue to paint!

it was weird going back to small scale acrylics -- after almost two months of watercolors of Everglades and gulf coast.

It was a bit refreshing though --- to switch gears!

I liked the feel of the acrylic paint... and i experienced a freedom that wasn't there before i left for residency.

worked mostly on this acrylic -- and will start a smaller one tomorrow.

i need to develop at least another 20 or so -- to fill the rooms.

stay tuned for dates/times/venue for the ITALIAN SUITE!

Italy 88
20" h x 20" w
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