14 July 2010


Every now and again -- I take an older watercolor and rethink it.

I have a better perspective and freedom ... in making decisions that are bold.

This watercolor was "working" already -- but it needed something more.

So, I took the huge step of laying an overall glaze of Prussian Blue to subdue the focus.

This veil of blue added a bit more mystery and ambiance.

Now, I have to tweak some of the areas... along with smaller blue veils of targeted glaze.

I already like the painting much more.. and feel that reworking it has been a bonus-- both for learning something... AND.... a nicer, richer painting.

Bullet- Bad Girl
40" h x 30" w
currently being reworked
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  1. Carol, the mailman arrived with a saint Louis's yellow envelope today! Thank you for all my heart Carol for this very sweet present. I did not hope for it so much and it fabulously pleases me. I love it!!!! You can be sure that it will quickly be supervised. I can so look at it every day. Carol, if you come one day in France, it would be an enjoyment to receive you at home in the Gulf of Mobihan. Kisses.

  2. thank u elizabeth!

    thank you too olivia.... i am so happy you like the little watercolor.
    i want to come to france.. and i would definitely come to see you! maybe one day it will happen. xoc

  3. thank u elizabeth!

    thank you too olivia.... i am so happy you like the little watercolor.
    i want to come to france.. and i would definitely come to see you! maybe one day it will happen. xoc

  4. would love to see what it looked like before you re worked it too.
    Lovely as always.
