27 July 2010

Cedarhurst Museum

The curator from the Cedarhurst Museum -- Rusty Freeman -- came to my studio today to see the Italian work.

He and I talked for 2 1/2 hours-- and had a great time discussing all sorts of topics.

I feel so grateful to be having this exhibition. It will open February 25, 2011
and run through mid-May.

I have painted over 45 paintings -- and am planning another 20.
Hopefully... ALL of you will come to the exhibition!

Italian Suite
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  1. Congratulations! Sounds like a terrific opportunity.

  2. than you susan.~! am So looking forward to this exhibition!

  3. This will be a wonderful exhibition. We would all love to attend:-)

  4. They're beautiful and it's great to see them in the different context, all together in one room. Congratulations!

  5. yes crhistiane... i wish you all could come too. i need the support!
    patricia... i wanted to show the exhibition jumbled and hap hazard.. so you could get an idea of scale and reference. it will be fun to exhibit!
    stay tuned for installation shots.

  6. I'm definitely going to try to see your exhibit. I have family in So IL so I can visit your and exhibit and them--it's a win win. I would love to take a workshop from you. Do you ever offer 2 or 3 day workshops? I took my first workshop about a month ago with Paul Jackson. He said you guys are friends. I'm in awe of your work and think you are the cat's meow. I would love to learn from you:

  7. yes!! please come to the show! it will be a knock out exhibition ... i am hoping..at least.
    i would LOVE to meet you too.
    and i DO 2-3 day workshops. in fact, we are planning on in ann arbor michigan for sept.
    do you want to organize one in your area? if so ... let me know.
    i have never met paul.. but we are friends by Facebook and the watercolor world. he is a super artist.
    looking forward to meeting you .. and possible working with you some day. thanks for posting.
