29 June 2010

Oil Spill- Brown Pelican-

Oiled brown pelicans standing ready to be cleaned.

This is part of the new upcoming series of work on the Gulf Oil Disaster that I am doing this fall.

This was from the Oiled Wildlife Rescue Response in Ft. Jackson, LA - June 18, 2010.

Save the Brown
15" h x 22" w
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28 June 2010

Check out the SCALE~

Well.... every now and again i paint large. it's not often.. and it's getting more difficult...but these iris' needed to be huge.

I have shown them on digital format... but here is an idea of how big they are... 'cause I'm standing next to them.

Each painting is larger than life... and holds a lot of impact.

Big Iris
60" h x 40" w

Big Blue
40" h x 50" w
email for purchase
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27 June 2010

VAST workshop-- Denton TX

We concluded our workshop last friday --- and it was a terrific time. I loved all of the painters that came. Everyone had painted new work-- and struggled with new and unfamiliar ideas.

Here are a few samples of what was accomplished.

Thank you Jo Williams...for planning it... and thank you Lynn Cox for making my ride to the airport.

You all ROCK!!

Thank you to all the new art friends I met-- keep painting!!

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24 June 2010

Denton TX- Watercolor workshop VAST

Hey HEY!! spent the last 2 days in DENTON, TX having a GREAT workshop with 20 fabulous painters!

They ALL did wonderful paintings today.... and here are some!

I will post some more tomorrow... when a few others finish them up.

We are racing ahead and beating the HEAT!

Tomorrow is our last day... then... jury the 125-MILE Exhibition for awards... then home!

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22 June 2010

Gulf Disaster -- watercolor

This is the first painting of a long line of new imagery.

The BP Gulf oil spill disaster is a theme that I plan to explore -- along with my Everglades Series.

I hope and pray there isn't more damage --- because I've seen enough already!

This watercolor launches my work about what's happened to the wildlife, the habitat, the coast, the marshes, and the biodiversity in the region.

I spent 5 years of my childhood in Biloxi MS -- and feel like I have a sincere and genuine connection to the region.

Oiled Pelicans
15" h x 22" w
unfinished- first state
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21 June 2010

Electric IRIS- watercolor

I have had the privilege of rethinking a watercolor -- and added a secondary blue wash the other day. This voluminous wash added a bit of depth and mystery to the whole painting. The leaves and stems needed to be muted... and the atmosphere created by the blossoms made the whole painting wet!

I like it much better-- and consider it 'done' now.

I went ahead and tweaked various edges.. lifting and high lightening.. then softening some of the washes.

In the end.... the monumentality and light shine through!

Giant Iris
60" h x 40" w
email for purchase
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19 June 2010

International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition- Shanghai

I received the catalogue today from the International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition in SHANGHAI, CHINA.

Wow... what a GREAT catalogue! you must get a copy -- for the latest and greatest in watercolor from all over the world!

The book is filled with amazing plates of gorgeous watercolors.... excellent reproductions.

I highly recommend it.

For a copy of the book email
watercolourbiennial@gmail.com for details!
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17 June 2010

Oiled Wildlife Response Rescue

I spent the day yesterday-- at the OILED WILDLIFE RESPONSE RESCUE in Ft. Jackson, LA.

It was heartbreaking and also heartwarming at the same time.

There is great help and compassion for these pelicans. Many MANY people are mobilized to get them clean!

This unit has cleaned over 517 birds.

They are released after 10 days in the MERRITT ISLAND NATURE PRESERVE at Cape Canaveral, FL.

Although they are rethinking this... because FL is supposed to get oil too.

More later. Off to Pensacola.

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13 June 2010

Big Blue- watercolor

This watercolor of a magnificent Blue Heron from my Everglades series has finally emerged!

I worked on it for several days --- in between projects and deadlines.

I am anxious to get to my work on the Everglades-- but before I do-- I am traveling down to the Gulf Coast tomorrow.

I want to see for myself- and document the tragedy.

I grew up mostly in Florida...but I spent 5 years of my childhood in Biloxi, MS -- while my Dad was stationed at Keesler Air Force Base. Biloxi is a simple town-- mostly shrimping. It's beautiful pristine beaches are in the line of fire for oil spillage.

I am attached to the Gulf-- and am as concerned as everyone else about it's safety.

I believe the whole ecosystem and biodiversity is in peril!

If I can make any 'gorgeous tragedy' statements to inform, enlighten, or mobilize -- I will feel like I've made a contribution.

Blue Heron
30" h x 22" w
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12 June 2010

New Framed work

These two pieces were the ones sold this week---- and my most excellent framer had them framed and ready to go in 3 days!

wow...that's what i call SERVICE!


so... tell me what you think!

there is a black frame and a mahogany.

36" h x 28" w

28" h x 36" w
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11 June 2010

First Draft

This is the watercolor before I worked on it again.

See below for the last and final state of the painting.

Big Iris
40" h x 50"w
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10 June 2010

Big IRIS watercolor

I had the chance yesterday and today to rework an older painting. I like doing this the best -- because I am absolutely FEARLESS when it comes to making decisions.

I have absolutely NO attachment to the painting.

All I care about... is resolving the surface in the best way possible.

Reworking an older painting is almost FREEING --- because it doesn't matter if you ruin it or not!

So.. your decisions tend to be more insightful AND more appropriate.

I added an overall glaze of Winsor/Newton Prussian Blue and Aureolin with Cadmium Lemon to soften the painting.

I spent all day today -- reworking the fine edges-- softening, turning, making them merge and blend.

Overall... I am very pleased. It seems like a more mature and handsome painting than before. It has depth, prominence, and scale.

I like it -- but mostly because of what I learned !

Big Iris
40" h x 50" w
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09 June 2010

Happy DAY~

Today ... my client bought two watercolors --- The SWIMMER and PESCADOS ....

both are at the framer's now --- getting ready for final presentation.

It is so cool.... to have a sale!

Thank you Mary~!!

I hope these are great additions to your collection.

30" h x 22" w

22" h x 30" w
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08 June 2010

Fungus- Watercolor- First State

For a number of weeks... I have been steadily working on this painting of FUNGUS from Napa Valley. It's a kaleidoscope of color --- adding up to a nature scene of fungus, leaves, blades of grass, rock, log, dirt.

It has been a challenge.. and time consuming.

It' is not finished.... but I am not going to finish it for a few days now. I don't believe you shroud finish paintings too quickly - especially when you are heavily invested in working on them.

The best 'finishes' I make-- are ones when I' put the panting away for a number of days- and then resolve it with 'fresh eyes' and perspective

30" h x 40" w
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07 June 2010

Exhibition in New Haven CT

The work is all packaged and sent!

My small show in New Haven CT has been matted, packaged, and shipped via FEDEX.

There will be 16 watercolors-- including this diptych of tulips.

The show opens on June 17th from 6-9 pm.

Details on the venue to follow!

Rain Tulips
22" h x 15" w each panel
email for purchase
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04 June 2010

Happy Day!

My nice clients came over yesterday to pick up their commission. They offered to loan me back the painting for the Italy show -- whenever/wherever that happens too!

It's always a bit of a joy to see the paintings leave. I also enjoy knowing a bit about where it will end up!

Tuscan Trees
30" h x 40" w
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02 June 2010

Private Watercolor Instruction

Come and learn watercolor!

I am offering a private, small class this summer -- during the month of July.

We will meet twice a week at my studio -- and learn watercolor that is specifically tailored to your interests.

Please email me for details!

Individual Watercolor Instruction

July 6-28

Tuesdays-- 9 am - 12 noon
Wednesdays -- 2 pm- 5

all levels welcomed!

We will cover basics and also have private critiques
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01 June 2010

Spirit of the Gulf Challenge

My new friend, Suzanne McDermott has come up with a remarkable project to help renew and restore hope in wake of the Gulf tragedy.

Please look for her name to the right side of this post-- to find the link to her blog.

She is inviting artists to join her in painting an uplifting painting about some aspect of the Gulf-- birds, wildlife, ocean life, sunset, landscape, vegetation.

Also to think positive thoughts... and healing love for the region.

Good thoughts and love have far reaching effects!

Please visit her blog or look for her on Facebook -- to learn more about this creative and healing response to the Gulf Crisis.

I am joining in. In a few days... I will be posting the first of a series of paintings about my Gulf Coast.
