19 June 2010

International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition- Shanghai

I received the catalogue today from the International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition in SHANGHAI, CHINA.

Wow... what a GREAT catalogue! you must get a copy -- for the latest and greatest in watercolor from all over the world!

The book is filled with amazing plates of gorgeous watercolors.... excellent reproductions.

I highly recommend it.

For a copy of the book email
watercolourbiennial@gmail.com for details!
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  1. could you please post the link, maybe I missed it. I would love to get a copy of the catalog. And Congratulations!!!! You are awesome!

  2. thank you!! i will post the link. it's a secured site... use PAYPAL...get catalogue in about 2 weeks.

  3. Thanks for the link Carol ! I am sure to order one. This must be an incredible show. Congratulations !!

  4. Congratulations Carol, your watercolor looks great, you must be proud of it

  5. i love the painting that they chose fernando-- it's a self portrait. i think it's a good reproduction too!

  6. Great portrait and so pleasing to be in such a prestigious catalogue. It was good to be able to see your photo on the blog right side bar alongside the image of your painting. Great interpretation of your wonderful self!!

  7. thank you joan. i love that painting... it's very simple. the title is "Two at 50" -- it's about my two eyes.. my vision at turning 50~! so happy it got into the show... :-)) thank you for your support over the years. it means a lot to me!

  8. Congratulations, Carol! It is a wonderful honor to be included in this :)

  9. i agree to rhonda! thanks to nick simmons for jurying me in. you should buy the book. it's a stunner. so much better than wc books in the states!
