13 June 2010

Big Blue- watercolor

This watercolor of a magnificent Blue Heron from my Everglades series has finally emerged!

I worked on it for several days --- in between projects and deadlines.

I am anxious to get to my work on the Everglades-- but before I do-- I am traveling down to the Gulf Coast tomorrow.

I want to see for myself- and document the tragedy.

I grew up mostly in Florida...but I spent 5 years of my childhood in Biloxi, MS -- while my Dad was stationed at Keesler Air Force Base. Biloxi is a simple town-- mostly shrimping. It's beautiful pristine beaches are in the line of fire for oil spillage.

I am attached to the Gulf-- and am as concerned as everyone else about it's safety.

I believe the whole ecosystem and biodiversity is in peril!

If I can make any 'gorgeous tragedy' statements to inform, enlighten, or mobilize -- I will feel like I've made a contribution.

Blue Heron
30" h x 22" w
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  1. Carol, this is magnificent. Thanks so much. Have a safe trip. I look forward to what you post.

    Just a few minutes ago, I received an invitation to Port St. Joe, Florida and think I'm going to clear my calendar to go by end of week.

  2. Gorgeous painting, Carol! I look forward to some pics of the area and more info on what is happening.

  3. What wonderful transparency and luminosity!
    You will probably see some pretty depressing sights during your trip to the Gulf Coast.
    Artists can certainly help in at least raising awareness of the impact of such disasters.

  4. yep.. i am away that it will be hard to see some things... but that's what you have to do if you want to translate it.

    i will post images here.

    thank you all suzanne....rhonda.. and christiane.

  5. This is amazing!don't have words for it...Great work, carol.

  6. Magnificent Carol! I am totally in love with your watercolors.
    Which pleasant surprise to find in the current number of the French magazine ' "Aquarelles", one report on your practice. I find that you have a crazy originality and an innate sense of colors. Haughtiness!

  7. This painting is so beautiful that takes my breath away... Marvellous! Ciao!

  8. Great


  9. thank you noemi!

    thank you arti... i like this painting too..

    oliva... i love your use of the work "haughtiness!" wonderful descriptive element~ send me a magazine.. i have NOT seen it yet... :-(

    thank you juan... always wonderful to hear from you.
