24 February 2010

italy- acrylic paintings

i only have 8 more paintings to go ... before the end of the show. i am hoping to make an april deadline -- but i am afraid that it will be september before i can show them.

but... here today.. i finished these two paintings. i quite like them both -- as the evolution has been subtle.

tomorrow.. i teach .. but friday i begin again... the last 8 paintings to round out the show.

italy 49
10" h x 30" w

italy 50
20" h x 20" w
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22 February 2010

Italy continues

I had a fruitful day in the studio -- despite the reluctance to work on the paintings. i wanted them to be done... but at the same time...realized they weren't finished!

so.... putting aside the desire to start new work -- i finished these two paintings.

it felt good to move forward and complete.

i also got a good start of resolving the bicycle painting... and will post that in a few days.

the workshop in MO was outstanding. the students did great work... and it was real fun!

italy 38
20" x 20" w

italy 39
acrylic 12" h x 20" w
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21 February 2010

Washington MO Watercolor Workshop!

I had an awesome time with the workshop at Washington MO. What a great group of motivated painters!

Two days of discovery and painting outside the box!

Thank you everyone for your insightful comments and questions.

Good luck with your RED SCREENS and your masking tape!~

Many thanks to Miriam for her organization and willingness to put this together.

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20 February 2010

Framed and ready to go

Two watercolors-- framed and ready for installation -- were delivered to my studio on friday.

I will be installing them in a private residence some time next week.

I was so pleased to see the framing- top notch!

State Fair Glads
45" h x 35" w

45" h x 55" w
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17 February 2010

Finished tutorial

here is the finished Imperial Crown tutorial.

i will work on the text this evening.

i enjoyed doing the painting ... and will have fun sharing it in the book.

Crown Imperial
14" h x 11" w
email for purchase

Quarto Publish will feature this piece in a book
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Tutorial- Quarto Publishing

I have been invited to do two painting-tutorials of watercolors of flowers.

The first tutorial has been finished and sent to London for the book.

Here is the second tutorial of a 'crown imperial'. I will finish it today ... and complete the text that goes with it.

Both books will be published by Quarto Publishing, London, England.

They will be listed on Amazon.

There is another book -- DIFFERENT STROKES, which includes my work -- already available.

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15 February 2010

never ending

the italy show is never ending! i just wish it were going faster! seems like.. on days like today... not enough hours in the day to get things done.

well.. i started getting momentum on the bike painting... but got sidetracked on the landscape.
interspersing my time between the two... and feeling -- at the end of the day.. that i didn't get enough done.

well... here they are... will soldier on more on wednesday. have to teach tomorrow!

italy 56 57
10 x 30
20 x 20
unfinished both

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14 February 2010

more painting

i continue to paint on the Italy Series.... with as much abandon as i can. i am tabling out 3 paintings -- to finish before proceeding to the next. the BLU BAR is developed to a state that i'm happy with... the bicycle -- ? not so much

i am too attached to the bicycle the way it was.. and now i have to "lose it" to make it move forward.

i might not be able to do it .... without working on the third landscape...so that i can 'fall in love' with that.. and then move back to the bike with more perspective.

the bike is a good start..and good composition. now.. i have to raise it to another level....

italy 54 55
10" h x 30" w
12" h x 24" w
mostly finished
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11 February 2010

on we go

i am still working on the Italy series.. in between finishing up a demo floral painting for a book by London publisher --QUARTO. The book should be out in the fall.

so, the work continues on the bicycle painting... and the BLU BAR. I have to add the tension and electrical wires on BLU BAR to bring it some focus.

The bike painting will have a lot more development ....

stay tuned~

italy 51
10" h x 30"w

italy 50
12" h x 24" w
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10 February 2010


immediate alert -- the HOW SWEET THE SOUND painting is being auctioned on ebay--

there is only 2 more days to bid.....
here's the link:


The monies received are to benefit


which collaborates with the community to bring work/art experience through art and art experiences to inner city youth in the St. Louis Metro area.

07 February 2010

Italy- More Acrylic

I am working on more ITALY -- this painting has given me challenges.... but I refuse to quit! I still have more to do... but I thought I'd share. It's difficult to paint back lit neon -- but I am learning.

I will add more details in the next few days- along with wires and telephone poles to bring about the representation.

Italy 50
12" h x 24" w
somewhat finished
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01 February 2010

framed and ready to go! ACRYLIC

I picked up the waterlilies today.. at ARCH FRAME. I was thrilled to see how they turned out--- so fresh and alive! I was very impressed with the mahogany frame and linen liner.- not to mention the turn-around time.

Thank you John Maurer... for finishing off this painting in a wonderful frame.

Water Lilies
50" h x 28" w
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