14 February 2010

more painting

i continue to paint on the Italy Series.... with as much abandon as i can. i am tabling out 3 paintings -- to finish before proceeding to the next. the BLU BAR is developed to a state that i'm happy with... the bicycle -- ? not so much

i am too attached to the bicycle the way it was.. and now i have to "lose it" to make it move forward.

i might not be able to do it .... without working on the third landscape...so that i can 'fall in love' with that.. and then move back to the bike with more perspective.

the bike is a good start..and good composition. now.. i have to raise it to another level....

italy 54 55
10" h x 30" w
12" h x 24" w
mostly finished
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  1. My first thought when i saw the bicycle was, "Ooh!".
    The colors are fantastic and l love the composition. I'm a bike nut too, so must try a bike painting now. Great job! Can't wait to see what you do with it to finish it off.

  2. Oh, and i loved the Blu Bar painting as well. Fabulous!

  3. hey ross... thanks for liking my bike painting and for commenting. i am now bolstered to finish it. not sure which way it will go.. but am more determined to get it done! happy day!

  4. How could you possibly consider doing anything more to the bike painting. Love it as it stands.

  5. oh thank you joan.... maybe i will reconsider! the bike seems to be a bit washed out to me.... i thought i might develop a stronger value in the piece. but i will take your opinion into heavy consideration! how is your work coming?
