07 February 2010

Italy- More Acrylic

I am working on more ITALY -- this painting has given me challenges.... but I refuse to quit! I still have more to do... but I thought I'd share. It's difficult to paint back lit neon -- but I am learning.

I will add more details in the next few days- along with wires and telephone poles to bring about the representation.

Italy 50
12" h x 24" w
somewhat finished
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  1. Hi Carol! The colours in this painting are beautiful. I love that deep red. I think I'm going through a deep red phase just now. It's pervading all of my work. Painting the neon light must be incredibly difficult. I don't envy you at all. Don't you just love a challenge! Anyway, I hope you are well. x

  2. hi heather... thanks for liking this painting. i am getting more and more jazzed about it. i believe when i put the final wires on it.. it will come together.
    hope your painting is going well.. and all is working for you in the studio!
