10 October 2009

Happy Client!--- watercolor

My day got an unexpected lift--- some clients stopped by the studio while I was working.. and asked to see some work. Of course, I love to share work and I began bringing out the latest.

They ended up loving some new watercolors-- 3 figurative swimmers [see photo]
and a large botanical swamp painting [Florida Corkscrew Nature Preserve]. I had been reworking parts of it as late as yesterday!

The chose 5 paintings to purchase... and that makes for a GREAT day!

They also purchased 4 paintings from me about 25 years ago -- so they have quite a spread of my work.

I'll be included photos of the swamp watercolor later -- as well as photos of the older paintings in their collection.

Woo hoo~

14" h x 11" w
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  1. Congrats! One sell would have made you happy I am sure so you really must be doing the happy dance right now.

  2. i AM doing the happy dance today!!!

  3. When someone sees your work and compliments it, that's a good thing - when someone sees your work and it speaks to them so that they must have it, that's a great thing! Congrats on the sales, I know it always is a welcome thing for working artists :) You deserve it, too, your work is FINE!!!

  4. Wow, how wonderful! Yep, I'd be dancing for the rest of the week!

  5. Now that's what I call the long tail of repeat custom!

    Congrats on the sales :)

  6. Congratulations on these well-deserved sales. Repeat customers are the ultimate compliment.

  7. thanks rhonda.. again... it's wonderful to have repeat clients. thank you for believing in my work!

    jeanette-- i AM dancing for the rest of the week!

    H-Ridley -- these are long time clients.. no? wish they were ALL like that...

    christiane-- sales are a bit more sparse this year.. so they are all appreciated...especially those that come back again!

    thank you all!
