12 October 2009


Here is the article in AMERICAN ARTIST magazine for DECEMBER 09.

It's a brand new article on the GROWTH PORTRAITS written by M. Stephen Doherty, editor-in-chief.

A lovely article on the development of the series -- and one that I will be proud to share with everyone.

Please look for it in your newsstand or favorite art store.

I would love to hear from you -- after you read it.

I feel very honored seeing my work in print.

Thanks again Stephen-- I appreciate all your insight and sensitivity.

American Artist Magazine
December 2009
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  1. Will be waiting impatiently for this magazine to show up in my mailbox, Carol. It looks great!

  2. thanks rhonda.. i will look forward to your comments on the mag. i hiope things are swell for you in the studio!

  3. hey carol that's great!

    i can at last have some examples to show my students of your work. i always tell them to go see your website.

    you deserve recognition.

    keep your standard high, if not higher, Carol.


  4. thank you adam. i try to keep my standards high... it's always fun..no?
    thanks for sharing some of my work w/ your students. do you get the magazine? hope so.
    best for wonderful painting today. carol

  5. Wow, beautiful work (as always)I'll head out to get my own copy of the issue. Beth Carey gave me the heads up :-)

  6. hey chip... your mom looks great! it was so nice to see her yesterday. how are you? i would love to catch up on what's up with your life! email -- carolcarter@gmail.com
    happy autumn! carol

  7. Congratulations, Carol! I love this series. I didn't know you had the infant painting. Did you do that later from a photo or did you do that at the time your son was an infant?
