26 September 2009

Oklahoma City Memorial-- A P Murrah Building

I am driving to LA... .and stopped off in Oklahoma City to see the memorial to the victims and survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing at the Alfred P Murrah Building.

It was a peaceful and thoughtful memorial. The design was selected from over 624 entries. There is a reflecting pond...and the field of chairs is based where the former Murrah building stood.

Each of the chairs represents a victim. There are 198 chairs.
There are 19 small chairs for the children. Each chair is bronze, set on a glass base... which is illuminated at night.
Each base is etched with the person's name.

There are Time Gates to the site. One gate has 9:01 and the other has 9:03. The second in between -- 9:02 was when the bomb went off.

The Time Gates represents life before the terrorist attack.. and the other gate represented life after... forever changed.

There are many aspects to this memorial... the Survivor Tree.. the building across the street heavily damaged... the pond, the fence, the museum, the Survivor's wall.. the corner of the Murrah Building... so much to see and ponder.

It was very moving... and I encourage every one to see it some day.

It is a strong and noble tribute to those that suffered and those that died.

Oklahoma City Memorial
Alfred P Murrah Building
Okalahoma City, OK

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24 September 2009

How Sweet the Sound - Concert - St Louis

Here are photos from How Sweet the Sound concert. It was at the Scottrade Center on Sept 21, 2009. The whole production was an awesome event. 7,000 people attended the concert-- it was sold OUT!

It takes 65 people to manage the show -- and travel to 11 cities in 28 days to conduct the tour.

Fantastic music! -- each choir was SO inspirational --- there were about 8 in all -- competing for title of BEST title of small and large choir.

The choir from FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH in Festus, MO won the People's Choice Award ($5,000) and the Best Award ($10,000). They will go on to Detroit MI to compete for Best Overall! Each choir earned $3,000 just for making it to the Regional finals!
Verizon Wireless sponsors this event --

It was professional, energized, a REAL surprise of emotion and energy! I was so moved by the quality of inspiration and devotion. It was like a ROCK concert!

Wow.. so happy to be a part of the whole event ....!!


(more photos to follow)

How Sweet the Sound Concert
Scottrade Center
St. Louis MO
Sept 21, 2009
Verizon Wireless

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23 September 2009

How Sweet the Sound Concert- Sept 21 2009 - St Louis

how sweet the sound concert! signing programs for people at the concert. it was an AMAZING experience!

7000 people in attendance.. and sold-0ut performance. more photos to follow.

17 September 2009

Recent Watercolor-- PigsRus

Here is the PIG! recent watercolor painting... C O M P L E T E L Y out of the box for me.... but...

i believe that is healthy and good for artists to do things out-of-the-box at times....

I went to the ILLINOIS STATE FAIR in Springfield, IL this summer.. and fell in love with this PIG!

so.... felt compelled to paint him. First.. the small maquette [posted on www.watercolor300.blogspot.com]

and then.. gradually this week.. the larger version of the pig began to emerge.

so far.. i LOVE it! it says everything i wanted to say.. and more.

it's big.. it's bawdy.. it's in-your-face fun... so totally unscripted and energizing to paint.

Swine Clue
watercolor on Arches 300 lb cp
40" h x 30" w
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Saint Louis American --

new coverage on the How Sweet the Sound -- Verizon Wireless National Choir Competition


Concert is at Scottrade Center on
Monday, September 21, 7:30 pm

I will be there to sign posters and say hello~

14 September 2009

Italian Landscape- Acrylic

My first Italian landscape-- of a series that will be developed over the next few months.

I've been to Tuscany-- to gather information -- and now have the time to translate some images into paintings.

It will be an exploratory series... until it begins to take shape.

I've started this painting on Ampersand Gessoboard -- which i like a lot. the paint wen on smoothly without much drag. I like the texture I was able to create.. as well as the matte dimensional look of the foreground.

Tomorrow Iwill work on the trees.. and develop the horizon line and nuances.

Hopefully-- it will all go well!

In the meantime.. I decided to post here.... as it's important for me to have feedback from you.

On the Way to Lucca
10" x 10"
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13 September 2009


"My" billboard with me in it!


Riverview and Highway 70- North St Louis

How Sweet the Sound
Verizon Wireless
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11 September 2009



Please have a look at this link!

It's a nice representation of the HOW SWEET THE SOUND commission for Verizon Wireless.

Thank you Gene~!

10 September 2009

Maryville University -- watercolor

I have been teaching two classes in watercolor-- at Maryville University since late August. It's been an interesting time --- I am not that familiar with teaching. But... I DO have good students... ready and eager to learn.

We are gaining ground each day ... and by the end.. I know they will all be good watercolorists!

Stay tuned for photos of their work.. and blogs about their progress.
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09 September 2009

Rachel Crandell

In loving memory and tribute to my friend- Rachel Crandell.

I will miss you.

I feel blessed and honored to have known you.

I learned so much from your infinite insight, wisdom, passion, and joy of the rain forests and their precious fragile eco-systems.

We are forever blessed by your tireless work to preserve, cherish, and keep them safe.

you are truly "rainforest rachel."

safe travels.


02 September 2009


I delivered ZOE and CAL's portraits this evening. I didn't install them... but had a great time watching the clients enjoy them.

Zoe and Cal
watercolor on Arches 300 lb. cp
22" h x 30" w each
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