24 September 2009

How Sweet the Sound - Concert - St Louis

Here are photos from How Sweet the Sound concert. It was at the Scottrade Center on Sept 21, 2009. The whole production was an awesome event. 7,000 people attended the concert-- it was sold OUT!

It takes 65 people to manage the show -- and travel to 11 cities in 28 days to conduct the tour.

Fantastic music! -- each choir was SO inspirational --- there were about 8 in all -- competing for title of BEST title of small and large choir.

The choir from FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH in Festus, MO won the People's Choice Award ($5,000) and the Best Award ($10,000). They will go on to Detroit MI to compete for Best Overall! Each choir earned $3,000 just for making it to the Regional finals!
Verizon Wireless sponsors this event --

It was professional, energized, a REAL surprise of emotion and energy! I was so moved by the quality of inspiration and devotion. It was like a ROCK concert!

Wow.. so happy to be a part of the whole event ....!!


(more photos to follow)

How Sweet the Sound Concert
Scottrade Center
St. Louis MO
Sept 21, 2009
Verizon Wireless

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  1. What a wonderful experience. So happy for you to have been a part of it.

  2. Were you able to acquire a billboard?

  3. sandy.. thank you for your comment... how is your knee? i was on your blog.. .wonderful work you are doing!
    david... i DID get a billboard! they are shipping it to me...

  4. hey carolina, you look happy, proud and excited. i'm delighted you got the recognition and adulation. hope more work comes from it. have fun in los angeles and have a safe trip home!
