17 September 2009

Recent Watercolor-- PigsRus

Here is the PIG! recent watercolor painting... C O M P L E T E L Y out of the box for me.... but...

i believe that is healthy and good for artists to do things out-of-the-box at times....

I went to the ILLINOIS STATE FAIR in Springfield, IL this summer.. and fell in love with this PIG!

so.... felt compelled to paint him. First.. the small maquette [posted on www.watercolor300.blogspot.com]

and then.. gradually this week.. the larger version of the pig began to emerge.

so far.. i LOVE it! it says everything i wanted to say.. and more.

it's big.. it's bawdy.. it's in-your-face fun... so totally unscripted and energizing to paint.

Swine Clue
watercolor on Arches 300 lb cp
40" h x 30" w
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  1. Absolutely charming and wonderful. I feel the love!

  2. Best piggy painting that I've seen so far, great pinks and those ears are great! So fun to go outside the bubble.

  3. thank you elizabeth, Rhonda, and Susan! wow... i'm glad you like my pig as much as i do. it was REAL fun to paint...and i think that's important.

  4. nicely done, whimsical to the max. it looks so effortless and fluent and "light" but i know the planning and thought that goes into every one of the most delicate brush strokes on a piec such as this. excellent work. -- joel.

  5. Makes me think wistfully (and grinning) of Wilbur:-)

  6. joel.. yes.. he IS whimsical.. and he brings a smile to everyone that sees him. nice to do that some time.

    nina.. i loved Charlotte's Web.. and Wilbur... is that the one youre' talking about? thanks for writing... both of you!

  7. I'm absolutely in love with this painting!! It is fascinating!

  8. What a GORGEOUS pig painting indeed. I just LOVE it too!
