09 June 2009

Sweet Portrait-- Watercolor

This adorable little girl was wonderful to paint. She's so delicate.. i thought it best to keep the washes light.. and the feeling simple.

The commission is for a local client.

Commissioned Portrait
watercolor on Arches 300 lb cp
15" h x 15" w
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  1. This is truly lovely. Such a cute face to paint. I wish I could do portraits so I could paint my grandchildren at this age.
    Nice work.

  2. thank you jean... your heartfelt comment made my day!

    i hope you paint your grandchildren.. regardless of you level of skill. it would be a tribute to your love for them.. and i'm sure that would shine through more than anything.

    good luck! best.

  3. a sweet little girl and a sweet portrait...i like the simplicity of monotones here.The eyes are brilliant too.

  4. thanks arti.. she IS a sweet thing! i kept the palette bland..per request of the client. cc

  5. This portrait really tugs at the old heart strings, Carol. It is beauty personified!

  6. breathtaking.....Ahhhhhh....how it must feel to put that paint down..

  7. The two commissioned child portraits are delightful - so full of light just like your botanical work. Enjoyed catching upon your latest beautiful blog entries.

  8. This is a wonderful portrait. Just adorable... I enjoy all of your work and your comments to me. Thanks , critiques and comments are so welcome. I'm sure you know how much those mean ..

  9. barbajoan, thanks for checking in and posting your comments. yes..i DO know how much it means to have comments/critiques of work. i will check out your blog later today.. and see what you're up to. happy painting!
