08 June 2009

Evan's Graduation- Principia College!

This weekend was filled with the wonderful opportunity to see my son -- Evan Carter Clark graduate with HIGHEST HONORS from Principia College in Elsah, IL.

He was also the GRAND MARSHALL for the class of 2009!

It was outstanding to see him receive his degree.

I was so happy and proud to see him with his friends, colleagues, and teachers. He received the Business Award and was an introducer of speakers at the Baccalaureate ceremony.

Goodness... how grateful I am to have such a wonderful son!

Congraulations Evan!!

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  1. Congratulations, Evan! And, to you, Carol. You must be so proud.

    By the way, is he a cutie, or what:)

  2. Congratulations Carol on raising such a brilliant and hard working son! I am so glad you got to enjoy seeing him take all those honors and be recognized in the graduation ceremonies.

  3. Way to go - both of you. Smiles are in order all month long!

  4. Congratulations to Evan! Way to go Mom, you must be so proud of him! May he go far in life and find much happiness!

  5. thank you EVERYONE~ i AM quite proud!
    it's been a wonderful blessing and privelege to watch evan grow into an exceptional young man!
    definitely the BEST thing i've ever done.
    yay -- motherhood!
