Last week-- I drove to Ohio/Kentucky to give a talk on my work to the Great Cincinnati Watercolor Society. Wow.. what a GREAT group!
We had about 40 artists in attendance. I shared my paintings-- all watercolor. I conveyed a timeline of the development of my work. I also shared how I come up with themes, subjects, content with my imagery.
I wanted to convey how I arrive at my point-of-view within the narrative of my portfolio.
It was a wonderful lecture-- with many fine questions, photos, and good cheer!
It was so successful-- they invited me back to do it again in Feburary 2014!
Rhonda Carpenter-- my artist friend in Cincinnati made the arrangements for the talk. She is a great artist/teacher-- and so gifted in the studio.
She has shared in her blog -- an nice accounting of the talk.
I am deeply grateful for her invitation to come. I feel honored and priveleged to be included!
Thank you dear Rhonda [and Jerry] for hosting me!
I really like it,,