22 June 2012

Firefly-- swimmer watercolor in progress

The watercolor has been worked and reworked for days and days.  Yesterday-- I finally wetted the entire paper--- drenching it in Prussian Blue and Trasnparent Yellow.  I added a touch of Quin Burnt Orange.. and a little Opera.

I could not "babysit" the overall glaze-- but left it in the studio to dry on its own.

Today-- I spend a huge amount of time developing and painting in the jewel like dazzles of color in small passages.

30" h x 22" w
in progress


  1. realmente fantastico tu trabajo en general
    enhorabuena y un saludo.

  2. I've been following you on facebook for a while and love your paintings. Great to see you in blogland too. I've just started an art blog and have added you to my blog roll so I don't miss any posts

  3. Thank you Jose! I am happy that you like my work. Thank you tooo Sharon.... I will check out your blog now. Nice to be connected digitally!
