16 March 2012

To Market Pig

I did this small piglet-- as a painting to share with my workshop at Menucha coming up next weekend.

The original 'big" pig has sold...so I needed a smaller version to take with me.

He is a happy pig--- and will illustrate how to get variety with just three pigments-- Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna, and Mineral Violet.

To Market
15" h x 11" w


  1. Carol, he is brilliantly painted!! How I wish I could get to one of your workshops!!!

  2. come!!! or plan one in your area..and I will come. thank you for liking my work. it's always wonderful to read your posts!

  3. Hi Carol, I'm looking forward to seeing "To Market Pig" at Menucha. As a former 4-H kid, I've always had a special affinity for pigs!
    Have a good trip to Oregon--Mary Rollins

  4. Thanks Mary! I'm looking forward to bringing TO MARKET PIG to Menucha! This time next week...we will both be there!

    I've also had an affinity for pigs too....

    See you soon!
