i 95

Watercolor on paper.

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20 March 2012


Tee Shirt... with all the


The one-of-a-kind tee shirt grew out of my workshop in Baltimore a couple of weeks ago.

A student mentioned she wished that she had my 'rules' close by ... when she continues to paint.

We were brainstorming...and came up with the tee shirt format.

I asked for a list of rules that were important to them -- and condensed it down to the 10 pictured here.

Kristen Powers-- artist extraordinaire..... did the design and lettering.

Isn't it GREAT??

I will be offering them at the Menucha workshop-- and hopefully my students will want them enough to buy 'em!

Love this shirt.. and so happy to be introducing it here.

Watercolor Rules
Tee Shirt
available for order

19 March 2012


I took the day off...and went to an Alpaca farm. Boy.. was that amazing!

It was remote in Illinois... Calhoun County ... by the town of Hardin.

So so quaint!

The alpacas were owned by a friend....and are taken care of royally.

They live on a bluff-- with a view of the Mississippi River.

Such beautiful and noble animals!

The owner harvests their fleece for garments and rugs. They are so soft...and so gentle.

What a treat to learn about their care -- and see their gentle kindness.

Thank you Kathy-- for opening your farm and letting us enjoy your world!

16 March 2012

To Market Pig

I did this small piglet-- as a painting to share with my workshop at Menucha coming up next weekend.

The original 'big" pig has sold...so I needed a smaller version to take with me.

He is a happy pig--- and will illustrate how to get variety with just three pigments-- Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna, and Mineral Violet.

To Market
15" h x 11" w

13 March 2012


This swimmer is small and delicate and done as a tutorial for my recent watercolor class.

I enjoyed sharing all of my techniques and observations about figure painting in the lesson.

The colors are different-- guided by a need to shake things up a bit in my predictable portfolio.

BWS workshop was so great.... the students were attentive, motivated, and such good artists!

15" h x 11" w

11 March 2012

State Fair Pig finds a new home!

I sold the beloved State Fair Pig to some great clients!

They loved the painting...and purchased it for their collection.

I am so happy and thrilled that he has a good home.

This is the only painting of mine that had a "fan club!"

State Fair Pig
45" h x 36" w
private collection

09 March 2012

Baltimore Watercolor Society Watercolor Workshop!

Two examples of work for students and two photos of me illustrating various artistic points with my work.

BWS Workshop!

The Baltimore Watercolor Society workshop was a huge success.

So many great paintings and great artists!

I have heard from many of them about the learning that went on.

So grateful to have been invited to teach!

At the end of the workshop-- dinner with Nick Simmons was a treat.

All in all-- a fun week for me.

Back to the studio now.

08 March 2012

Baltimore Watercolor Society Watercolor Workshop!

I just finished 3 days in Columbia Maryland -- where the Baltimore Watercolor Society held a workshop for 20 students.

It was a great time-- and so many fine painters!

Truly an exceptional experience.

Here is a photo of my demonstration. The photo was taken by Janet Means Belich-- the workshop coordinator.

Happy to have been asked to come and teach!

Thanks to everyone for giving me three days of their time for my instruction.


04 March 2012

Commission complete!

The commission for a local business is complete!

I worked hard on this last week... to finish 3 of the 4 paintings for the deadline.

I DID make it -- but it was a lot of work!

I am happy to say --- that I can STILL paint under pressure-- although I don't prefer to. [who does?]

needlesstosay ... they mission was fulfilled...and I am happy with the out come.

These pieces will hang in a place to bring comfort and solace. The hospital atmosphere will benefit from some beauty on the walls!

So happy to have been chosen. Thank you ARCH FRAME for bring this idea to fruititon!

Magnolia Commission
30" h x 40" w each panel

02 March 2012


The St Louis at Home Magazine has a nice article about my work and studio in their current issue.

It's a lively -- well writtien article and good photos of the work.

The photographer and author were fun to meet.

St Louis At Home Magazine
March/April 2012 Issue