24 October 2011

Gladiolas in Progress!

Started a full sheet watercolor of complex gladiolas from France. It's a cacaphony of flowers!

Boy.. has it been a struggle....

The paper is a hot press one ...and also a thinner weight than I'm used to.

All in all though... I feel I'm being stretched to make it work.

That's what I want too.... I don't always like painting in my safe-predictable comfort zone. Sometimes... it is BEST to mix it up... and struggle!

22" h x 30" w
in progress


  1. Carol, it is certainly looking MOST intriguing right now. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  2. Carol, you might be struggling but oh, it's sooooo good.

  3. I AGREE!!! I am about to give it some gas today ... to try and finish. I am hopeful! I couldn't really work on it yesterday .. but.... have more time/ability today.

    Will post pics later. Thanks for your encouragement.
