14 May 2011

Watercolor Rules!

I've been working in watercolor with diligence this week--- trying to get ready for my workshop in France. There is so much I still need to learn!

So... the watery-wet conditions of a too-saturated spring make for good watercolor in my studio.

The first painting here- is the beginning of a large scale watercolor called BESIDE THE STILL WATERS.

It will be a large pool-scape painting of the edge of an Everglades slough. Hopefully, within the week- it will be finished.

The small gecko is, well, a small gecko~! This green character was a visitor to my workshop in Hawaii. He stayed at our lunch table and begged for bottlecaps of soda to drink. He was so fun to watch-- and definitely a brilliant color of green! I said -- I would paint him -- so here he is.
Hibiscus painting is a more finished version of the hibiscus I've been working on. I still have a few more things to do to the pistol -- but it is largely done.

The fourth painting is the sunporch from my friend Susan in the Virgin Islands. The afternoon light comes streaming through her curtains and makes these amazing patterns through the lattice onto the floor. Of course, it was magical !

The chairs to the right were finally finished off with a layer of brilliant french ultramarine blue. I love the Virgin Islands!

Beside the Still Waters
40" h x 30" w
in progress

9" h x 11" w

11" h x 14" w

Suz's Porch
11" h x 14"' w


  1. Beautiful watercolors.

    My dear why you dont put your signature in the paitings?

  2. Love them all but especially the little gecko :)

  3. Hi Flor i DO sign my paintings... but these are so fresh ... that haven't gotten around to it. They are all signed before they leave the studio though.

    Thank you Rhonda... the little Gecko is special. He performed for us at the workshop in HAwaii.
