22 April 2011

Italy Suite

These two lovely paintings were sold today from The Italian Suite exhibition. One is going to Maine, and one is going to St. Louis.

Of course I am thrilled and happy that they are ending up in collections and appreciated.

I saw the show one last time today-- before it is taken down next week. As always... it was/is beautiful -- and I'm so happy that I got the chance to display the collection.

Thank you Cedarhurst!

A Coming of Age
30" h x 30" w
private collection

Evening of Hopes and Dreams
24" h x 12" w
private collection


  1. It was such a beautiful show! It must be sorta sad when it all comes down. I hope that most all have sold and are going to good homes!!

  2. yes.. it is sad when it comes down. but there is always another show to look forward to!
    all the sold paintings will be going out soon.
    good luck with your show kristen!
