15 December 2010

Italy Finishes....

I have finished the first painting here.... the long landscape in green. It expands the palette of the Italy show-- adding some acidic green and rust. Tomorrow-- I will see how it integrates into the rest of the exhibition.

The bottom landscape/hillside- is in progress. I am not that motivated to finish this.... but of course....I will.

The cypress tress are just being added to give depth and perspective to the area in between the curved walls.

Italy 190
10" h x 30" w

Italy 191
30" h x 30" w
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  1. They are both gorgeous!!!! I'm interested in seeing the final outcome on both pieces, such a wonderful collection!

  2. Love them both! The cypresses are the perfect touch with the curve of the walls.

  3. wow these are awsome, lovely prints :)

  4. Thank you so much!! And thank you for your kind note today. I hope you enjoy the cards.

    Jane... thanks for your post. I think the cypress trees added a nice touch. it was a not a finished piece..and they helped to narrow the perspective.

    Thank you William.. for your post!
