14 November 2010

Italy... again and again

I am making progress on the last two of the last 3 paintings I need to finish for the show.

It's been almost a year-- since I began this project... and I am needing to wrap it up!

The last 3 paintings are mid-size panels. They will probably have greater impact.. therefore... need to be well painted and resolved.

It's a high bar-- that I've set!

Italy 174
30" h x 30" w
second state

Italy 175
acrylic 2
4" h x 24" w
first state
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  1. Great final trio - adore the colours you are using.

  2. Interesting paintings...the light is almost magical in your work. I enjoy your use of color.

  3. Beautiful Carol!! Great job and good luck with the show!

  4. Thank you Joan! Hope all is well in your part of the world.

    Linda... I think the light is unusual too. Thank you for liking the color as well.

    Jennifer-- Thank you for your post of good wishes!
