07 November 2010

Belleville ILLINOIS workshop

The last two days I have been teaching artists in Belleville IL -- which has been a treat. They are motivated, creative -- and very energized. I was so surprised to see the paintings. They paid attention!

The questions and insights were dead-on. I enjoyed each and every one I met.

A student from MONTREAL came too~

Wonderful group. Thanks to Susan Rogers and GATEWAY EAST ARTISTS GUILD for organizing it . My gratitude to you~ you did a tremendous job -- finding the space, stocking the fridge, warming the coffee, collecting the money... NOT to mention.. painting!

THANK YOU all... for joining, being courageous and trying something new.

Best to all the painters in their forward journey.

Here are some samples. I can't show everyone -- there are so many.

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  1. Your ability to communicate painting concepts clearly and your regard for your students made the workshop really great. Your mastery of painting is wonderful but you also infuse much of your work with deeper meaning and thoughtful content. That is truly the mark of an important artist. Brava and millie grazie for you presentation to the Gateway East Artists' Guild. I like your blog too!

  2. Thank you Michael!

    It was a joy to work with that group. I liked every minute of it.

    I especially enjoyed seeing the painting you completed. It was handsome -- with a wonderful character and voice.

    I hope you continue to grow and paint. You have another career ahead of you!

    Thank you too... for your kind words about my teaching and my art.

    They are SO appreciated!


