15 October 2010

Two in the works... from Italy

I have been waiting and waiting for my panels to come from CHEAP JOES.... but for some reason -- they have been delayed for 1 1/2 months! yikes! so ... i've made do with working on tons of little one.

CHEAP JOES has promised to ship the larger panels at the end of next week... we shall see....

so.. here... are two smaller paintings that i've been developing the past week. the bottom one is done... [i think].. and the top is have a devil of a time getting finished.

there is much left to do on it... but it has changed directions now.. and has momentum.

Italy 158, 159
10" h x 30" w
mostly finished....
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  1. Not sure what's happening with Cheap Joe's - they seem to take your order and then wait a week before shipping the product and I don't know why there is such a delay. Got the same thing from an Amazon order recently, too - finally just cancelled the order! Businesses are hurting but poor customer service is not the answer to getting them back in shape.

  2. i totally agree w you rhonda. i am STILL waiting for my order of Gessobords. it's been 2 months! can't believe it. i would like to add that my favorite paper store KINSELLA is going out of business because of the internet and the recession. now i will be dependent on the art store outlets for wc paper and that isn't great.
