04 October 2010

Italy-- more and more

Started two new paintings.... the last of the 10 by 10's. The fountain is currently under construction ... and the Madonna shrine was just started today.

I have to develop both of them a lot further. That's what I like about working on multiple smaller pieces... you have the opportunity to work for a while, put away, bring them out,,, revisit, rework, revise.

Do you ever do that?

So, I believe almost all of the imagery is represented. There is only 4 larger paintings to be painted.

Then done.

And I am ready for that!

Italy 152, 153
10" h x10" w

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  1. Still at it Carol? Can't believe how many pieces you are creating for this Italian show. Love how brave you are with your colours - the shrine full of rich blues.

  2. yes i know joan...i'm completely over the top when it comes to producing work for italy show. but i have 3600 square feet to fill in the museum... which requires a LOT of paintings! so far... 70. i need about another 10. then.. we will choose the best.. and only the best. have a great day painting!

  3. These pieces are gorgeous! The colors are spectacular. I can't wait to see this show.

    I like to work on a piece until it's finished. Otherwise I feel like I have a weigh on my shoulders. I think it stems from growing up with a Mom that got about 50 - 80% completed, got bored and moved on. Now it drives me crazy to leave things in an unfinished state.

    Keep on keeping on, I love seeing all of these works:)

  4. thank you ... i don't like leaving unfinished work on the table. it drives me nuts too. at this time.. however.. i have too many unfinished paintings and not enough time!
    well... as soon as i complete the Italy show.. more watercolors will be done.

    cheers.. and thanks for keeping in touch.
