05 August 2010

Dusk in Italy

I finished this painting today .... it was a joy to work on.

I like it very much -- it adds a bit of dimension to the rest of the show.

I began another one.... 21 x 21. hopefully -- tomorrow's post will include the status it's in.

The work on Italy is going along as fast as possible. In no time -- I will be beginning the last 3 larger pieces.

italy 114
12" h x 12" w
final state
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  1. Wonderful contrast, I love this one !

  2. thank you olivia!! i was wondering.. have you see the other french magazine out with an article on my work? there were supposed to be two different magazines by the same publisher. haven't heard a peep from them. i will write them too. best for happy painting!

  3. Carol, I just saw a portfolio in "Pratique des Arts ". Few photos of your watercolors and a few words about you.
    Do you know what is the name of the other magazine? May be I can have a look. Tell me if you have problem to receive this magazine... Have fun !!

  4. that may be the name of the magazine. is it the same publisher? i haven't heard from them... but they said two magazins would use the work. anyway, can you buy one and send to me? i will repay your time/expenses... best...

  5. Don't worry Carol, I will go and by this one too.
    It 's not a problem if the magazine is still available.
    I will go and see tomorrow. It's time to go to sleep in France... See you...

  6. I love this painting - the stark value contrast between the dark trees in the back and the pastel buildings almost gives the buildings the appearance of being lit - by perhaps neon.

  7. i love your interpretation of the light in this painting barb. i think it look other-worldly too.
    some times they work out easily -- some times they are more hard to come by.
