30 August 2010

Small Watercolors

Here is a collage of smaller watercolors in the studio.

They are figurative swimmers from a show ---

Each painting measures 12" h x 12" w or some are 11" h x 15" w

I think the juxtaposition of images make a compelling image!

Good idea to work from...

Good Girls
12" h x 12" w or 11" h x 15" w
some available for purchase
email for interest
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23 August 2010

Two Sold watercolors --

These two watercolors were sold the other week to a nice client in NC. They were framed and met my approval.

Today they will be crated and shipped out.

I think they look smashing.... and very sleek.

Rain Tulips
20" h x 20" w each panel
30" h x 70" w overall

Jewel Swim
35" h x 35" w
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20 August 2010

LA- City of Angels and Possibilities

Los Angeles
I have grown to love this city over the last week.
I hope to make a move here one day.
It's been a great town to get to know... teaming with energy, beauty, and commerce.

The Getty Museum was a particular delight today. The exhibition of Gerome- painter in the 1860-1900--- was stupendous.

Also, two photographic exhibitions - one of them on photojournalism was very hard to take in.


Afterwards, hiking Runyon Canyon and seeing the glowing sunset over Sunset Blvd. and the stars and lights come out over the skyline.

The hidden surprise about Los Angeles , I feel, is that people are happier here than the media presents. There are many many happy, non stressed out people that I've been around.

I think LA has gotten a bad rap in the press.
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17 August 2010

Danielle Barrier Harmon

Danielle Barrier Harmon -- incredible wife, mother, artist, friend.

May you continue to soar and inspire us all--

You are a light, love, and beacon of courage!

I am blessed to have known you.

Bon Courage!
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16 August 2010

Oldies but Goodies

I had the opportunity to see some older work in a client's home this weekend. Most of it I hadn't seen for years!

It was gratifying to see the images... and sometimes I think I was a BETTER painter way back when!

So.. here they are.
I will add more images later.

Traveling Swimmer
55" h x 75" w

22" h x 30" w

40" h x 30" w

60" h x 30"w

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14 August 2010

ITALY-- new painting

This is the 54th painting I've begun for the Italian show. I need about 65 to fill the 3500 sf space.

This show how I begin each piece...there's only a couple of hours work.

It will remain unfinished for a while... but I will resume working on it soon!


Italy 124
10" h x 30" w
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12 August 2010

Italy-- finished the 53 painting- acyrlic

I finished the painting of the stairwell --- it is peculiar... but very Italian.
The color palette is similar to the rest of the show -- but there is also a pastel edge.

The bottom photo is an installation of several of the 20 x 20 paintings. I don't exactly know how they'll be installed at CEDARHURST -- but this is one approach.

Italy 123
20" h x 20" w

Italy installation
20" h x 20" w
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10 August 2010

ITALY -- acrylics

I have two days to finish these paintings.

The top one is new-- started yesterday... and being worked on this week.

The bottom one is giving me trouble. I don't know why-- but it isn't grabbing me as it should.

Somewhere along the way -- I lost the spark.
I know I will get it back-- but I have to set it aside.. and let it fade in the background of my desire and consciousness.

Then.. after a while... I will bring it out again... and see it with 'fresh eyes." Immediately -- I will know what to do~ !

It's always easier to solve paintings after you are dispassionate about the conclusion.

Sometimes I think -- we fall in love with what we "paint"..and not with what we "see."

Italy 123
21" h x 21" w

Italy 120
30" h x 40" w
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08 August 2010


Oh how I am loving to paint!

The Italy show is coming down the pike. I am happy to say -- that most of the last pieces are going fairly smoothly.

I am encouraged by the fact that they have a good home.. and nice presentation at the end of my journey.

I am also excited about the fact that if they find home... they will enable me to travel back to the place and gather more information.

I long to take Evan -- and show him what a cool country it is ... as well as see Siena and the Chianti countryside.

Ahh... perhaps next summer.

I invite ALL my blog viewers to come to the exhibition this winter... and entertain the idea of collecting a piece.

Italy 119
21" h x 21" w
second state

Italy 89
21" h x 21" w
finished- but being tweaked.
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05 August 2010

Dusk in Italy

I finished this painting today .... it was a joy to work on.

I like it very much -- it adds a bit of dimension to the rest of the show.

I began another one.... 21 x 21. hopefully -- tomorrow's post will include the status it's in.

The work on Italy is going along as fast as possible. In no time -- I will be beginning the last 3 larger pieces.

italy 114
12" h x 12" w
final state
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04 August 2010


The paintings number 53 at this point. I am barreling down the final stretch to finish this show and move on to the next.

I am absolutely in love with the way it's turning out --- thrilled with the look and polish of these small paintings.

It will be a joy to share them with others!

That said.. here are two that I worked on today ....

The top one is a small village -- painted to look fresh and a bit awkward.

I finished the second one.. of the trees. I like the final transition of the last tree in the distance. I worked hard on that.

The third painting of the trees and cemetary was just begun today. Its prelimary ... with not much resoultion.

The fourth piece is a larger landscape I am developing slowly. Because it's larger -- it seems to take a bit more time.
I'm working on softening the transitions.. .and making more depth and detail.

Italy 114
acrylic 12" h x 12" w
final state

Italy 97
10" h x 30" w
final state

Italy 115
12" h x 12" w
first state

Italy 112
30" h x 40" w
in progress

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03 August 2010

Italy series

I finished up two paintings in the Italy series. I hope you don't mind me working so hard on getting this exhibition done.

I have a great venue and deadline now -- to keep me focused.

I was finished with the work last spring... but when the curator saw the work.. and wanted to feature it at CEDARHURST MUSEUM .... I was compelled to continue on.

I didn't have enough paintings to fill 3500 sf. so I needed to paint additional works to flesh out the space.

I've never done a show with so many pieces~! AND...I'm adding more~

It will be a visual feast: a variety -- sizes, shapes, palettes, images.... just like a regular presentation of travel~

however.. I MISS my watercolor.. and I'm looking forward to painting the EVERGLADES and OIL DISASTER.

But first... must finish my Italian Series--- completely.

Two large panels came in the mail yesterday -- and I will be beginning those shortly.

I am having a ball developing this exhibition -- and LOVE showing it. I am however, very guarded with who gets to see it in person .... I want there to be a surprise-element next winter. I am also digging sharing it online.. and having my online-artist friends interject their comments and criticisms. Wonderful to have everyone participate in the process of bringing this show together!


Italy 112
10" h x 30" w
mostly finished

Italy 113
10" h x 30" w
mostly finished
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01 August 2010

Continuing on with Italy

I have more reason than ever to forge ahead with my Italian exhibition. The deadline is mid - February 2011. I want to have the majority of paintings done well before then -- so I can spend some time marketing.

Here are a few that have been completed in the last few weeks.

They are mostly completed --with the exception of the last two-- which are in various stages of finish.

I am working best with starting one -- working it for a while -- then abandoning it for the next.

After a time-- I return to finish off the last details with distance and objectivity.

It's really working for me to be efficient in the studio this way!

I need another 20 pieces... gotta get painting!

Italy 98
12" h x 12" w

Italy 99
12" h x 12" w

Italy 101
30" h x 40" w

Italy 103
10" h x 30" w

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