12 April 2010


I am on pins-n-needles about finishing this show. I have much to do.. and so few days to accomplish.

I finished the "sleeping dog" painting... which I like very much. I thought working on the palm would be a breeze... but quite the contrary.

It's been a bear... and not at all working the way I need it to. So... Wed is another day to keep at it.

Your thoughts?

Italy 61,62
10" h x 10" w
Palm unfinished
Dog finished
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  1. You ask for thoughts Carol on the palm tree. The strong tone of the fonds against the bright light, is magical and reminds one of looking up into the sun filtering through the foliage. I really can't see what you could do to improve on the feeling of sunlight.
    Always liked the bicycle piece and now finished it too has that wonderful glow you achieve. Great colours and composition.
    Personally, I am not so keen on the doggie picture. To me he looks a little flat, but I am sure he will appeal to many and add a new slant to the full exhibition.

  2. Carol, I have watched in awe as you show the progress of your paintings - most times I think they are done and beautiful and then you change them and bring more depth, color, light, emotion - to them. I know this will also happen with the Palm. I love watching to see WHAT you will do :)
    And for the dog - just let sleeping dogs lay ;-)

  3. thank you joan... i wrote my reply to you on email... did you get it?
    but.. i do so appreciate hearing from you. i went ahead and worked on the palm. it's still evoving.
    thank you for your insights!

    hi dawna! thank you for yoru words. it's wonderful to know that you check into the blog routinely! makes me smile.
    i am coming to the everglades in two weeks! i have a month long artists' residency there. if i can... i will stop by to see you!

  4. I would LOVE to see you when you are in Florida! I start each day by looking at your blog - it's my art inspiration :)
