30 April 2010


I am putting the Italian Series on hold... and heading off to the Everglades National Park. I have the Artist-in-Residency to experience!

It's fun, scary, and an adventure. I've never done anything like this before-- so don't know what to expect.

But I am GAME!

My quarters in the Park are right down the road from the ALLIGATOR FARM! woo hoo! I see many good paintings ahead!

I am armed with my camera, watercolors, bike, snorkel and mask. I hope to walk, hike, swim, snorkel, canoe, boat, air boat, and drive my way through the Glades for the better part of the month in hopes of getting enough information to do a compelling visual exploration of the fragile oasis known as the Everglades!

Please come back here to see and read all that I discover.

There won't be any internet in the Park -- but I will find connection every few days when I go to Homestead.

Italy 87
10" h x10" w
2010Posted by Picasa


  1. Another great project but don't fancy the idea of you snorkelling with alligators around!! A whole month - you lucky lady.

  2. i am lucky joan! i feel very priveleged to get the chance to see such fabulous wild imagery in the Glades. please come back here to visit -- and I will post images-- both painting and cool photos. enjoy~

  3. hi else! thank you for liking the Italy paintings!!! and -- greetings back from USA!!
