24 April 2010


Here is the installation shot of STATE FAIR PIG at 6 NORTH COFFEE. I love this painting... and have been waiting to frame and show it for months! But, for some reason... I have been putting it off-- again and again ... until today.

I framed and installed it at my favorite coffee house... 6 NORTH. Can't wait to hear how6 people respond to it. It's an absolutely disarmingly bold pig... and brings a smile to me-- every time I see it.

The watercolor swimmer below is a reworked piece. I am digging working in the basement studio of my new home-- and the damp floor makes the washes dry to my liking-- slow and brilliant.

Now that the painting has been reworked--- I absolutely adore the turn of palette! SO dark and mysterious ... cut in with Opera Pink.
Right on~!

State Fair Pig
45" h x 35" w
email for purchase

Dark Swim
11" H ' x14" w
email for purchase- or check my other blog
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  1. I absolutely love your painting of the little pig. Although the painting itself is quite big! Smile! She is beautiful! What a great subject they make. A wonderful painting full of light and great color.

  2. Yes I adore your State Fair Pig...it was the first work I ever saw of yours...propped up in the classroom the first day I walked in.
    AND the swimmer? brilliant!

  3. thank you ross. i love the little pig too... and i think the painting of the PIG is quite striking! it makes me smile every time! and yes... it is all about light and color.

    hi kristen, thank you for writing. it was fun to share the pig w/ the beginning class. i wanted to show the potential of watercolor right away. glad you love the swimmer. it is the one that was hanging around in the classroom for days. do you remember it? will keep in touch this summer. xoc

  4. What a charming pig - I love this painting! The background is very well painted and 'works' with the subject so well.

  5. thank you both! skizo and barb!! lovely that you like the pig too.... hope you are both painting up a storm!

  6. You are so clever with your colours and light Carol. The neon pink with the cooler swimmer colours was an inspiration. Pigs have been real favourites over here in the UK for years, whether ceramics or paintings... must be we have lots of farmers!!!
