31 March 2010


It was a fruitful day in the studio today .... i finished one painting, made good strides with another, and took a third and totally reworked it.

The days in between teaching are filled with lots of energy and motivation to get the show done.

it won't be long now... only 6 more paintings to go!

Italy 65
12" h x 24" w
mostly finished

Italy for WALL BALL
36" h x 36" w
to be finished on Saturday night at WALL BALL
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  1. Carol you continue to inspire us all with your prolific output of stunningly lit works for your Italian exhibition. Six more would be daunting for most of us but here you are pleased its nearly done!!! The bicycle piece looks really interesting, can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. thanks joan.... i am happy that you like the italian series. it continues to be of interest to me... and i'm glad that you like the work! stay tuned for the rest of it ... i should have it done by the end of april.
    happy easter to you! what do you do to celebrate?

  3. I'm really enjoying your gutsy approach to painting.

  4. hi nathan...thanks for your comment! it means a lot to me... knowing my work is appreciated by a fellow artist. what is art like in LA? my son recently moved there. i will definitely be visiting him soon. any recommendatations on where to look? for your art? or other good work?

  5. This is definitely a unique style - very, very cool...
    developing your own style is something we all dream about. Very impressive. Painting for 30 years? Wow...

  6. thank you frank... very nice to hear that you like my style and development. i took a peek at your web site.. very beautiful work! nice to meet you and share our love of watercolor.

  7. Hi Carol...just became your 70th follower and your 350th fan on FB...even numbers!

    Hey...I am on Kristen's creative team with you and wanted to introduce myself. Look forward to looking into your artistic world!

    I have a fan page as well...if you are so inclined : )

    Great to meet you!

  8. hi julie!

    i thank you for becoming a fan of both pages! i will return the friendship! i am happy to make your acquaintance [thru kristen].. and look forward to meeting/working with you. i looked at your blog.. and am impressed!
    you and kristen are so creative~ this will be fun .. this joint venture.
    best~ carol
