19 March 2010

Italy- a sense of scale

This shows a bit of the scale of the work-- and the installation I have in mind for the final exhibition. Which should be in the fall... hopefully...

Each piece is smaller scale and interchangeable. The color palette for the show is all related.. so one pieces flows into the next.

The paintings are all compatible.
I plan to hang them at the same height -- around the room... interspersing size and format. It will appear like a juxtaposed panorama of Italy -- a cacophony of images from a trip. There will be no groupings or distinctions of locations or comparisons.

I want the viewer to feel like they are seeing a ream of images - postcards or travel photos-- all jumbled together.. and disjointed.

In the end.. it will feel like a spontaneous view of Italy-- but without too much script or formality!


Little Italy
5 paintings
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  1. I haven't visited you in ages, and now I see you've been painting scenes from Italy. Lovely, and they will make an impressive show. We just returned from a trip to FLorence and Venice with my college alumni association, so these images jumped out at me.

  2. Wonderful pieces! Your acrylic paintings are as unique and interesting as your watercolors, and I'm a huge fan of your watercolors!

  3. thanks sherry.... i'm sure you loved italy as much as i did! i hope to get back there some day soon. in the meantime .. i will keep painting fond memories... best!

    thanks kellie -- the acrylics are a total different paint application. glad you like them.. and super-glad you like my watercolors!

  4. Wonderful pieces of Italy, above all the Toscana area. Congratulations for the watercolour selected for the Shanghai exhibition.

  5. thank you carlos. i am happy w/ the italian pieces.. and look forward to the show. i am also looking forward to being in the show in shanghai. are you in it?

  6. I have been watching these Italian paintings with great interest. They just glow. What colours are you using? I'm having a battle with acrylics after using watercolour. You are providing my inspiration. Thank you.

  7. Carol- acrylics are a devil of a medium! i use GOLDEN and LIQUITEX acrylics -- and Liquitex Glazing Medium. It's not easy to transist from watercolor to acrylic. Be patient with yourself. thank you for your comment... nice to hear from you! stay tuned for final italy paintings.... show in sept.
