21 March 2010

International Artist Magazine- April/May 2010

I just bought my copy of INTERNATIONAL ARTIST Magazine April/May issue.

Inside is a 10 page article.

My work is on the cover.

The magazine is by a publisher in Australia.

If you happen to see it in a bookstore... let me know!

International Artist
April/May 2010
book stores everywhere
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  1. Congratulations Carol! Well deserved.

  2. Wow, what an honour to have so many pages in such a prestigious artbook illustrating your wonderful work. Congratulations.

  3. WOW...this is a fantastic article. I live in Germany and subscribe to this magazine,,,,can´t wait to get my issue!!!

  4. Look at you go! Fantastic. I can't wait to go get a copy. Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations! It is a deserved recognition

  6. thank you stan... wonderful to read your comment!

    joan, always good to hear that you are supporting me.

    cynthia ! let me know what you think of the article!

    MB- hope to meet you some day w/ kristen. she speaks so highly of you!

    laura... i appreciate your thoughtfulness and support!

    thank you all!

  7. Congratulations !
    It is a pity that I cannot buy this magazine here, in Belgium, I would have love to discover your work in process.

  8. catherine, send me your address...and i'll try to send you a magazine.

  9. My issue arrived yesterday...what a wonderful article...stunning fotos of your work ,,and it was a nice surprise to see the step-by-step. Weren´t you featured in another magazine sometime ago...was it Watercolor by American Artist? What magazine did I see you in before? That was how I found out about you and subscribed to your blog back then...
    or am I dreaming? Congratulations on this article...now a lot more people can enjoy your work.

  10. thank you cynthia! i was in a few mags.. but most recently American Artist in December. it was an article on the GROWTH PORTRAITs.
    i really appreciate hearing your enthusiaum about the work. there will be more magazines this summer.. stay tuned! best for happy painting.

  11. Hi Carol, I just read your article in International Artist. Wow, what an honor to have your painting on the cover AND such an in depth article inside. It's an honor that is well deserved. I love your large colorful paintings.

  12. thank you nancy for liking the magazine and article. i thought they did a great job. i am thrilled to be included in it-- and able to meet so many new artists!
