01 March 2010

hollyhocks! acrylic

this painting has never really been seen or featured... although it remains one of my favorites. it reminds me of my bungalow now.. where i live.

it's strangely "old fashioned" in it's intent and execution.

i wanted to share it here... mostly because it reminds me of spring -- and that's what the first day of MARCH is all about !

Arts n' Crafts Hollys
40" h x 14" w
email for purchase
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  1. Beautiful colours Carol. See you are bravely working away at the Italian show new pieces. All a delight. Thought I was known as a 'colourist' with all my bright flowers, but you put me to shame.

  2. thank you joan,.... i am happy with this piece.... but i did it last year.. and no longer paint on birch board.
    italy show is almost done. i will be exhibiting it in september. i wanted to make an april deadline.. but too many details of life/school/work/recession got in the way! best.

  3. Love that your new home must be special like this painting. Beautiful!!!

  4. thanks sandy.. . new home is on FB.. if you want to see! i miss you!!! let's cross paths some day soon. hope painting/traveling/teaching/workshopping is going well. hugs.
