12 January 2010

EVERGLADES National Park Artist-in-Residence

Today I received a call telling me that I was chosen to be an artist-in-residence at the EVERGLADES National Park in Florida.

This is a national competition that I entered almost a year ago ... and really wanted to be included.

I am thrilled to be spending a month there this summer!

I have to be able to spend May or June there -- and am currently checking my schedule to see if it fits.

Wow... great new imagery to go with my series on the northern Everglades [sugar farm country] from 15 years ago.

whoo hoo!



  1. Congratulations! That sounds like it will be great fun. I've toyed with applying for artist in residence. Perhaps next year...

  2. You're just rolling in success these days, Carol!! Congratulations!!

  3. Wow, brilliant! Congratulations Carol!

  4. jeanette.... you should apply right away! it took almost a year to get this residency.... i hope it will be good.. and that i will get a few good paintings.

    chris... there has been a flurry of activity in my artlife.... i am soaking it in ... cause i know there will be more quiet days ahead. YOU have had some attention too - and well deserved!

    heather... thanks so much for your post! hope art is going well...

  5. Congratulations! What a fabulous opportunity- can't wait to see what comes out of this!

  6. How cool is this? Looking forward to what you create from this time spent in the Everglades :) And really enjoying your Italy paintings.

  7. thanks rhonda.. i am so looking forward to painting the everglades. i have wanted to do this for years! how is your painting?

    thanks katana.. for good wishes... i love your blog!
