30 December 2009

Getting Ready- Schmidt Center for Art

I have been invited to show my GROWTH PORTRAIT series at the Who's Looking at You: Contemporary Portraits at the Schmidt Center for Art at the Southwestern Illinois College in Belleville, IL.

The show opens on January 21, 2010.

I have to deliver the 23 portraits of my son Evan next Tuesday.

I thought today would be a good day to clean up the portraits to get them ready.

It took all day -- and gave me time to reflect and reconsider each and every portrait! My how time flies when you watch a child grow!

So.. here is a photo of my studio- scattered with 30 x 40 portraits that will be stacked and packaged for delivery on Tuesday

Growth Portraits
30" h x 40" w
24 portraits
collection Evan Carter Clark
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  1. The portraits look delightful, Carol.I hope to see many more of your beautiful paintings in coming year.Have a great year!

  2. This very valuable opinion

  3. I saw these in the artist's magazine - love them! It was very inspiring to me. I dont'usually do portaits but had done one of my then five year old about weven years ago. It challenged me to try it again now that she is twelve. What a beautiful record you have of your son's growth! what a great idea.

  4. arti.. thank you for liking the portraits. you will see much more photos of work this year. i plan on doing a lot! thank you for being a good reader of my blog... i value your observation and opinion. best!

    julia, how neat that you saw the article! you are the first to write! isn't it wonderful to paint our kids? it's a great way to see them over and over again at a certain age. i see that you became a fan on FB.. i'm going to check out your website now. thanks for coming to the blog..and i hope to see you here again soon!

    happy new year to everyone!

  5. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  6. I congratulate, what words..., a remarkable idea

  7. thank you EVERYONE -- for your kind words about my upcoming show. i am so looking forward to the Growth Portraits being exhibited. i will post here!
