14 July 2009

Evan's 23 Portrait- watercolor

i have been doing a watercolor portrait a year of my son. this is his 23rd portrait [well, i've done a few more than 23...] ...

here he is as the happy college graduate.

the complete series of this work can be found on my website: http://www.carol-carter.com/ under GROWTH PORTRAITS.

it's been a wonderful endeavor. i first imagined that i would end the series at age 21... but now i've set the high goal of continuing the portraits for as long as i can.

Evan 23 Years
40" h x 30" w
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  1. Amazing in such a free flowing painting you can see the strong eyes and immense smile that makes you feel you want to know this young man. I'll check out the series when I am not so busy.

  2. Beautiful work, Carol. It's been fun to see his progress in life from baby to young man and I do hope you continue...would be fun to imagine him with new wife and baby, etc. as he matures and continues.

  3. What a great mom you are, Carol! I went to your website and checked out all of the years you did these portraits, and it is such a beautiful record of your son's maturing... really very special! This one is just gorgeous!

  4. thank you joan.... he's a great individual [evan]. i think you would like him!

    rhonda. yes.. i plan to keep doing these portraits.... i will post the final version of the 23 tomorrow. i finished it today!
    will add his wife/girlfriend and offspring as they happen. ;-))

    joanne... thank you so much for taking a peek at this series. it's close to my heart.. and one that i cherish doing each and every year...

  5. oh, i love the series!!! they are all beautiful. i love how you use watercolor.
