14 May 2009

Going Coconuts! watercolor

i am painting a small watercolor of a head-on of coconuts..from my last trip to FL.

i have used a different paper -- which i like -- Langarelle [?]

and used a white fluid mask around some of the whites [not all.. but some]

we shall see what tomorrow brings in the studio -- when i hope to finish it.

Carol's Coco
22" h x 30" w
2009 unfinished

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  1. Hi Carol, this looks like a beautiful painting. I believe the paper is called Lanaquarelle (most just call it Lana). It is a beautiful paper but on the soft side. Hope you don't have any problems getting the masking off. Looking forward to seeing the finished painting.

  2. Great painting so far, looking forward to the finished piece!
    Can't believe the number of paintings
    you put out each month. Need to get off the computer and get back to painting!

  3. hi myrna... thanks for the name of the paper... i will look for it again...as i like it. i haven't had any problems getting the mask off...but i agree with you.. it's a very soft paper! best.

    hi susan,
    are you learning on computer? or just messin' round!?

    i spend way too much time on computer too....i am trying to learn photoshop... very difficult!
    i wish you good vibes with your new painting!
