24 February 2009

SHOUT OUT- watercolor

This tongue-in-cheek watercolor is a preliminary look at an idea i'm thinking about painting. a double portrait with the latter panel doing a shout out.....

it's a response to Sara Palin's use of the phrase... as well as the way i feel right now.. in regards to what's happening in the economy.

Shout Out
14" h x 11" w each panel

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  1. This is great! Really a lot of fun!

  2. I just would know these were by you - as they have the quality of your naughty swimmers. Great concept and execution. Look forward to how you develop this great idea. When I read the title I thought of Lulu and her famous song SHOUT. She was unique and had great vibrancy and so are you and your artworks.

  3. You make me laugh out loud! Happy start to my day because of these wonderful portraits. :-)

  4. they are absolutely alive!!! God I just love them...how refreshing. Your work continues to bring me tons of joy!!

  5. Great paintings. In a few months you may be painting a portrait of yourself pulling your hair out! (Hope not)

  6. thanks everyone for your comments...it's been a real kick to read 'em. i will post the larger paintings when they get completed. right now.. am focusing on swamps!
