21 January 2009


very cool posters... no?

was so happy to see the Inauguration yesterday.

what a wonderful change.


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  1. Hi Carol - Yes I am a painter in oils, acrylic or watercolours and if I ever hd the time my lovely Ashby soft pastels. I also do pen and wash. I live in East Anglia region of England in the county of Norfolk by the area of rivers and countryside known as The Broads. Our village has the river Bure running through and we get lots of leisure boats throughout the summer. Glad we have met up and can follow each others work.
    Love the posters - such subtle colours. Watched every minute of the inauguration on British TV throughout yesterday.

  2. very cool indeed

    hey, you got another obama for us here in france? we stuffed with sarkozy & the ruling political class. couldn't hear the inaugeration speech here in france as the talking heads voiced over everything with their inane commentairies.

    best of luck with your book at al.

  3. hey joan, wow... your village in england sound wonderful. i will definitely look you up -- if i come travel there.
    let's do keep in touch about our work. your work is very poetic!
    the inauguration was wonderful. he's a great man, and giving our country a lot of hope.
    happy day!

    hey adam!

    i wish we DID have an obama for you. there should be an 'obama' for every country! then... we might actually get something done!

    thank you about the book. it's coming along.. and i'm already reworking some of the pages.

    i hope your painting is blossoming!
    happy day. carol

  4. Hi Carol
    Great day for us all.

  5. hi trevor... agreed! he seems like a capable leader -- thoughtful and intelligent. let's hope he has some backing to get the things done that need to be done now. best.
