30 January 2009

Inside/Outside Acrylic

Just in time! Here's one of the last stages of this acrylic --- what a challenge... and learning experience.

there are many passages I really like about it...and.. I hope.. over time... it will settle in to my psyche.

40" h x 50" w
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Small Watercolor

Be sure to check out this watercolor on the

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I had help today.. taking down my exhibition at East Central College-- it went quickly-- and now the work is safely back in my studio.

It was a great show... and I'm glad I did it.

Thanks to all those that helped.

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28 January 2009

Watercolor from the 90's....

i had dinner last weekend.. with an artist-friend: Mary Sprague... who bought a beautiful watercolor of mine from the early 90's. i still like the piece.... and here it is.

you can see the former consistency of W/N watercolor here. my... how i pine for those paints! wish i had bought a lifetime supply of those paints then. sigh.

Night Owl
35" h x 28" w
1993 [approximate]
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27 January 2009

Still Holding On-- acrylic

this is the latest version of my acrylic. i don't plan to work on it anymore.... because i'm getting ready to frame.

i like some of it... i like the effort i put into it... and i really like the fact that it taught me something.

Still Holding On
40" h x 50" w
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Bad Girls

a painting from my GOOD GIRL/BAD GIRL show. it's one of my favorites.. and one that doesn't get seen a lot. i love the perspective.. and i love the attitude of the women.

rock on!

Bad Girls
40" h x 60" w

available for purchase
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26 January 2009

Self Portrait

this self portrait i did a couple of years ago. it's currently being exhibited at DRAGONFIRE GALLERY in Cannon Beach OR. i found it recently on my computer -- and thought i'd share it here. i like it -- because the gaze is a bit distant and wondering. you sense a bit of vulnerability in her expression--

self portrait
40" h x 20"w

available for purchase
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East Central College opening

I had an opening of Figurative Watercolor at East Central College in Union, MO.
It was a good opening-- there were lots of people -- both students and people from the area -- Washington, Bourbon, and surrounding towns. The installation was perfect. It was a pleasure to work with the school -- especially Jill Foote-Hutton.

Thank you for hosting this exhibition.

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East Central College opening

We had a great turnout... and a good time.

Thanks for all those that came!

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21 January 2009


very cool posters... no?

was so happy to see the Inauguration yesterday.

what a wonderful change.


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19 January 2009

One for the show....

i was included at a group exhibition for a college in Granite City IL -- Southwestern Illinois College. it's called Herstory, and features only women artists.

i began assembling art for this show-- and this is one piece i'm going to include. did a few final touches on it --and slipped it into a frame!

Crossing Over
16" h x 20" w
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18 January 2009

Two Small Watercolors

These two floral watercolors were placed in a collection in CT last fall. Here is the presentation -- and I am sharing it with you.

The framing sets off the painting in an understated way. I think they look lovely as companion pieces.

Thank you for sharing!

14" h x 11" w paper size

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Another Testamonial-- or TWO~

Hi Carol,
Your beautiful little book has arrived and I sat right down with it and went over each page and it was YOU! Of course, I loved the swimming ones best, but the faces of you, Carol, were truly great! Your colors are so lovely. It's what makes your watercolors so special. I hope to show this to our friends, So proud of you, my little Carol. LOve you very, very much. Jacque


Carol, jus a quick personal message of congratulations for all you've done to inspire painters! Despite all the trials and tributions in our world, there are still constant stars who pull us forward to achieving beauty and depth of feeling in our work. Thank you so much. Criss Stange (the old lady in the Tucson workshop who will never forget your dedication)

17 January 2009

Swamp Acrylic -- stages of development

Here's a small sample of the development of the Swamp painting. I've worked many days on it... but have captured several of the stages here.

Each stage has layers and textures of color and varnish.

Have a look.. and post questions -- i'll be happy to answer specific concerns!

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Various Swamp stages

the concluding paintings.... of the various stages of work on the Swamp painting.

the final image is how it looks today -- but still.. it's unfinished-- so.... come back to see the final development!

25" h x 60" w
2009 unfinished

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16 January 2009

Testamonial about my Book

hey, carol,

got your BLURB book yesterday and all i can say is WOW...your work never fails to stun me!!

would love to see you in feb...let me know...i can also alert my intermediate students in case we could have a demo or short workshop....i would LOVE to just watch you paint!!

and i sure hope it's warmer there than it is here. had no reason to go out today, and am still in my jammies...kinda nice...

all the best,
congrats again on a fantastic book,


type in "Carol Carter"

order book-


rest in peace andrew wyeth

one of my favorite artists passed this morning.

he was 91.

he did so many inspirational works.

i saw his retrospective exhibition in Brandywine, PA.

i loved/love his work.

he will be missed.

13 January 2009


My work arrived today.. from the Maryland Gallery-- two HUGE crated delivered to my studio! they were so big... i needed help to open 'em...
but.. the work was fine.. and is back safely in my space.
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