12 November 2008

Napa Valley watercolor

A view of 80% completed watercolor of some leaves and grapes during Crush time in Napa Valley last October. It was a golden time --- sunlight and leaves were warm and yellow. I worked on this watercolor for a few days -- but wasn't able to finish it. As soon as I get back from my trip - I will resolve some final areas.

I like the kaleidoscope of color, pattern, and abstraction. Here's to watercolor!

Sara's Napa Valley Front
30" H x 22" W
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  1. yeah. nice one Carol. i live in wine country. our harvest here is March-May. our soil and climate is analogous to Burgundy - so we make great pinots.

    i keep meaning to try and capture that time of year in a painting.

    you have inspired me to try early next year!!!

    -- Joel.

  2. Wow! This painting absolutely ROCKS! Beautiful stuff, Carol!

  3. Wowzers! Your watercolor is fantastic! The colors are amazing! All of your work is very vibrant and really nice!
    I just recently started using watercolors and have a lot to learn, but I am having fun with them.

    Thanks for sharing. I love your work!


  4. I love enlarging these and really letting the colors move me around the painting in abstract and then I see how wonderful you work with your complementaries to get that glow and light. Beautiful!
