06 August 2008

This painting.. was the first watercolor on the Clayboard surface. it's an interesting mix of watercolor-like surface.. with the strength and integrity of a tougher foundation.

i don't know if i like it. the watercoloring felt a little flat.. and i couldn't get the pigment to move around the surface -- like on paper. there's an absorption quality to the board!

anyway, the smaller, simpler washes were fine.. and the prussian blue over glaze worked. it took the same amount of time to dry.. and working back into the various washes was simpler and more forgiving than paper.

on the plus side.. you can frame this without glass..if you treat the surface with a varnish. i guess this varnish is a spray fixative? [ like matte medium. ]

i will 'fix' it this week. that will be the final test to see if it looks like a watercolor~

watercolor on clayboard
16" H x 20" W
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  1. Great job for apparently your first
    attempt on clayboard. I have tried clayboard, but you have acheived nice blooms in your painting.

  2. Have good results finishing watercolors on different surfaces with varnish on base of ketone harshes with a brush(used in restoration as temporary varnishes).They can be removed without any problem.
    Lovely painting!


  3. Found your work from the Handprint watercolor site and just couldn't believe what you were doing with those fantastic gradations, blends and blooms. The level of control you have over this mystical medium is quite outrageous. I have been trying to tame this medium for years now in my own little way and have invented a handy device which you can easily make yourself, to make some of the gradations and blending a little more predictable. Not that I think you need any help at all but you just may think it fun to experiment with. If you go to my blog and look for Watercolour Innovation down the left hand side of the page, you'll see a link to my information. As I said, you can make it yourself and there are full illustrated instructions to show how.

    I'm going back to see more of your work now. Absolutely fascinating. Thanks for sharing it with us.
