09 May 2008

if you could change....

this painting is about 80 % finished. it needs a few final adjustments

i finish paintings best... when i let them sit for a few days/weeks. there's a freshness to my eyes.. when i look again...
about halfway through the painting... i get too attached to 'how' i painted it...
i need real freedom to make "right" decisions.

what do you think for a title?

watercolor 30 x 40 arches 300 lb cold press
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1 comment:

  1. I like this one even more than the one with more reds. There is something very soothing about the dark blues that pulls me in. I don't know what to do to "finish" it as it looks finished to me now. The lights, the darks, the blues, the complementary oranges, everything works so well!
